Touristic services in Buenos Aires

The Tourist Services Department seeks to promote the development of tourism, as it is considered that it is an essential element in the diffusion of our achievements, both cultural and historical, in the interchange between different communities.

Therefore these services have come to represent traits of our identity. As such, they impact every activity. The range of diversity and demand stimulates the development of the tourist offer.

Inherent in this commitment is that it be carried out in an upright manner, starting from the administrative and technical field, so that the objective of excellence is achieved.

Similar to the role that the official organisms play, is that of an ample commercial network. This network is constructed of businesses that lend services, which are licensed by the Secretary of Tourism of the Nation. Their role is to advise and mediate among the parts of business –supply and demand- and to produce goods and services.

The management of tourist services by the lenders consists, among others, of the following: Tourist Guides, Accommodation, Travel Agencies, Tourist Operators, Transport to and from tourist destinations, as well as Auto rental for the same purpose, The Organization of Conferences, Fairs and Conventions, among other events.

Recognized services for tourism.




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